Release Note

Ver 1.3.3

Feb. 1st, 2022

Fixed a bug that the reserved variable __index was not defined in the collection expression evaluation of each statement.

Implemented following constant registration interface in RiceManager class.

public static bool RegisterConst(string name, PlainProtoTypeGetter pptg)

Following constants have been preset.

MAINmainThe instance of the main class.
DQstringThe double quote character.
NLstringThe new line character.
TABstringThe tab character.
CRstringThe carriage return character.
LFstringThe line feed character.
IMAXintThe maximum value in the int class.
IMINintThe minimum value in the int class.
LMAXlongThe maximum value in the long class.
LMINlongThe minimum value in the long class.
RMAXrealThe maximum value in the real class.
RMINrealThe minimum value in the real class.
EPSILONrealThe machine epsilon.
NANrealThe not a number.
NINFrealThe negative infinity.
PINFrealThe positive infinity.

Ver 1.3.2

Dec. 17, 2021

Addition and modification of message text.

Fixed a bug that the abbreviation of keywords were not registered as a keyword.

Fixed a bug that an exception occurs when the dot operator appears as the lvalue in compound assignment statements.

Fixed a bug that the value cannot be set directly for each entry of Rpair class.

Added the First property.

Added the Second property.

Changed to be able to initialize a numerical value with a large range by a numerical value with a small range in definition statements of the numerical type .

Added a reserved variable to the while statement.

Added __index. The behavior is the same as __count.

Added a reserved variable to the each statement.

Added __index. The behavior is the same as __count.


Sep. 17, 2021

Added reading from resource files to the method of message localization.

For this reason, two functions have been added to the RiceManager class.

public static void SetFromResource (ResourceManager manager)

public static void SetFromResource (ResourceManager manager, CultureInfo info)

Rice.dll has been fixed to automatically switch between English and Japanese.

Message identifiers have changed.

Changed the minus sign used in identifiers to underscore.

Example: builder-class-register-> builder_class_register


July 13, 2021

Added the reserved variable __count to the keepon statement.

Added increment and decrement statements.

Added indexer operator.

You can specify an item of the list class with the indexer operator.

Fixed the condition judgment and loop condition judgment of the following statements.







When the proxy class appears in the condition judgment and loop condition judgment, the proxy entity is automatically retrieved.

Fixed the assignment statement.

Fixed to be able to assign a numeric class with a small range to a numeric class with a large range.

You can assign long and int classes to the real class.

You can assign the int class to the long class.

Added compound assignment statements.






Fixed the following operators.

++ Postfix ++ operator

-- Postfix -- operator

+ Unary + operator

- Unary - operator

! Logical negation operator

++ Prefix ++ operator

-- Prefix -- operator

* Multiplication operator

/ Division operator

% Modulo operator

+ Addition operator

- Subtraction operator

< Less than operator

<= Less than or equal operator

> Greater than operator

>= Greater than or equal operator

== Value equality operator

!= Value inequality operator

& Logical AND operator

| Logical OR operator

When the proxy class appears in the operands of these operators, the proxy entity is automatically retrieved.

real class

Fixed the Value setter.

You can assign long and int classes to the setter.

long class

Fixed the Value setter.

You can assign the int class to the setter.


May 15, 2021

Added support for document comments.

Added the following abbreviations as keywords.


The following keywords have been added with the addition of the keepon statement.




Introduced "named comment" that makes to refer to the content of the comment from the script possible.

Added prefix ++ operator.

Added postfix ++ operator.

Added prefix -- operator.

Added postfix -- operator.

Fixed the fromto statement.

Fixed not to execute the loop that was executed only once when the start value and the end value are the same.

Added the keepon statement.

It is a loop statement by specifying the number of times.

Fixed the condition judgment for the following statements. Numerical value is allowed.

if statement

elseif statement

while statement

string class

The following methods are added.





bool class

Fixed the return value of S getter.

Removed Max and Min getters.

int class

The following methods are fixed.



long class

The following methods are fixed.



rice class

The following methods are added.



Implemented so that getters can refer to named comments.

error class

Fixed the Fitted getter.

Added the Name getter.

list class

Fixed the Fitted getter.

Added a fitter by initialization string.

dictionary class

Fixed the Fitted getter.

Added a fitter by initialization string.

queue class

Fixed the Fitted getter.

Added a fitter by initialization string.

stack class

Fixed the Fitted getter.

Added a fitter by initialization string.

Added the pair class.

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