
A member definition is written by statements.

Table of contents:


Single statements

Compound statements


Statements of the Rice are the following 17 types.

Statement is categorized into "single statement" and "compound statement" according to whether it can include other statements.

Declaration statement

Definition statement

Assignment statement

Compound assignment statement

Call statement

Increment statement

Decrement statement

return statement

break statement

continue statement

throw statement

if statement

while statement

fromto statement

keepon statement

each statement

try statement

Single statements

Single statements are the following 11 types. They can not include other statements. They represent the end of a statement by a semicolon.

Declaration statement

Definition statement

Assignment statement

Compound assignment statement

Call statement

Increment statement

Decrement statement

return statement

break statement

continue statement

throw statement

Compound statements

Compound statements are the following 6 types. They can include other statements. They represent the end of a statement by an appropriate keyword.

if statement

while statement

fromto statement

keepon statement

each statement

try statement

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