Class definition

Class definition

Class definition is a set of member definitions that is described between the class and the endclass. It decide class status and behaviour.

class class-name

Member definitions


You can use the abbreviation ec instead of endclass.

Member definitions are:

Field declaration

Fitter definition

Setter definition

Getter definition

Method definition

Class-name have to be specified after the class. The naming rule of class-name is same as an identifier. A field declaration decides about the state of the class. A fitter, setter, getter, and method definition decide about behavior of the class.


When a program is started, Rice makes a prototype of the class from a source file. The prototype and the class-name is saved.

Rice returns a prototype copy to the class creation request.

Access control of class

In Rice, there is not the class access modifier such as the object-oriented language. Namely, a class in the Rice is always accessible, and it can generate anywhere.

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