Message localization

Change message language.

The default messages for Cooker are English. It will explain how to change these messages.

The distribution archive of Cooker includes two text files for changing the messages.


The message.en.txt is a text file that exported the default messages.

The is a text file that translated the default messages into Japanese.

These were used in previous implementations. From Ver, Japanese localization will be done automatically.

To change the message to the target language, replace the Japanese part of with the target language, rename it to message.txt, and place it in the same directory as Cooker.exe.

Format of message text file

First, the message text file must be a UTF-8 encoded text file.

A line beginning with # in the file is comment line. It has nothing to do with changing messages.

A line which does not begin with # indicates a pair of message name and body. Message name and body will be separated by ::: (triple colon).

In the string delimited by :::, the first is the message name, and the second is the message body to be changed.

There is no restriction on the characters and length used for the message name and body. However, since ::: is a separator, it can not be used.

There is no problem even if there are two or more strings delimited by :::. Third and later are ignored. In the, the second is a japanese message, the third is an original message.

Please see for details.

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