zaifapi class : Trade(string,string,real,real,real,string) method


Makes a trading order.


zaifapiInstance.Trade(string currencyPair, string action, real price, real amount, real limit, string comment)


stringcurrencyPairA currency pair.
stringaction"ask" or "bid"。
realpriceA price.
realamountAn amount.
reallimitA limit price.
stringcommentA comment.

Return value

zaifresA response to the request which have a JSON-text.

Sample code


string apiKey = "3622c294-zs5m-587w-vv7j-sdf454h1sdbl";


string secretKey = "4be789k3-dd7r-9d23-jy45-qng4c83hjk1g";


zaifapi zaifapiIns = new zaifapi(apiKey, secretKey);


zaifres zaifresIns = zaifapiIns.Trade("eth_jpy", "bid", 20000.0, 0.001, 26000.0, "example for trade api.");


string jsonStr = zaifresIns.Result;

Example for JSON-text

{"success": 1, "return": {"received": 0.0, "remains": 0.001, "order_id": 39679085, "funds": {"jpy": 10000000.0, "btc": 7.68e-06, "xem": 0.0, "mona": 0.0, "BCH": 9.561e-05, "ETH": 3.22e-05, "ZAIF": 0.0}}}


It is a trade API for the spot transaction. You can not get the information if do not set the API key and the secret key.

The action argument must be set to either "ask" or "bid".

If you specify a value not greater than 0 for the limit argument, the argument is ignored.

If you specify an empty string for the comment argument, the argument is ignored.

An instance of the zaifres class is returned as the response to the request. This instance holds the JSON-text of the result of the response.

If an API error occurs, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": 0, "error": "..."}

"error" is different for each API error.

If an HTTP error occurs, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": -1000,"error": { "statuscode" : 404, "message": "Not Found"}}

"statuscode" and "message" are different for each HTTP error.

If the request times out, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": -1001,"error": { "typename" : "TaskCanceledException", "message": "A task was canceled."}}

If the request fails due to other exceptions, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": -1002,"error": { "typename" : "...", "message": "..."}}

"typename" and "message" are different for each exception.

Links for reference

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