bitbankapi class : CandleStick(string,string,string) method


Gets the candlestick data of the specified date.


bitbankapiInstance.CandleStick(string currencyPair,string candletype, string date)


stringcurrencyPairCurrency pair.
stringcandletypePeriod of the candlesticks.
stringdateFormatted date string.

Return value

bitbankresResponse to request, with JSON-text.

Sample code


bitbankapi bitbankapiIns = new bitbankapi();


bitbankres bitbankresIns = bitbankapiIns.CandleStick("btc_jpy","30min", "20200220");


string jsonStr = bitbankresIns.Result;

Example for JSON-text



Public API. API key and secret key are unnecessary.

Valid first argument : btc_jpy, xrp_jpy, ltc_btc, eth_btc, mona_jpy, mona_btc, bcc_jpy, bcc_btc

Valid second argument : 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hour, 4hour, 8hour, 12hour, 1day, 1week

It specifies a formatted date string to the third argument. The format is "YYYY" or "YYYYMMDD".

The format of the third argument depends on the second argument.

YYYYMMDD : 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1hour

YYYY : 4hour, 8hour, 12hour, 1day, 1week

The date switches at UTC+0. For example, the JST is UTC+9 so it switches at 9am in Japan.

An instance of the bitbankres class is returned as the response to the request. This instance holds the JSON-text of the result of the response.

The ohlcv in the JSON-text is sorted with UNIX timestamp. Sort order is ascend.

If the argument is incorrect, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": 1000,"return": { "message": "http error"}}

If an HTTP error occurs, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": -1000,"error": { "statuscode" : 404, "message": "Not Found"}}

"statuscode" and "message" are different for each HTTP error.

If the request times out, the following JSON-text is returned.

{"success": -1001,"error": { "typename" : "TaskCanceledException", "message": "A task was cancelled."}}

If the request fails due to other exceptions, the following JSON-text will be returned.

{"success": -1002,"error": { "typename" : "...", "message": "..."}}

"typename" and "message" are different for each exception.

Links for reference

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