jsexecutor class : ExecuteFromFile(string,bool) method


Executes JavaScript code.


instance.ExecuteFromFile(string path, bool complement)


stringpathThe path to the JavaScript file.
boolcomplementWhether to make it to the immediate function.

Return value

stringReturn value from the JavaScript.

Sample code


jsexecutor jse; // For Main-browser


string result = jse.ExecuteFromFile("c:\appropriate\path\sample.js", true);


Loads and executes JavaScript code from a file.

In the second argument, specifies whether to complemented the JavaScript code to the Immediately Invoked Function Expression, IIFE.

If true, it will be complemented. If false, it will not be complemented.

When it is complemented, it will be as follow.

return 'result'; -> (function (token){return 'result';}("0f8fbd59d9cb769fa16570867728950e"));

Please be careful, you may get the unexpected result depending on the complement.

For the method of IIFE, Please refer to Execution of JavaScript code: IIFE.

Please note that the return value is string.

If the result is a number, the number will be returned as a string. Example: 1-> '1' , 1.05-> '1.05'.

If the result is a boolean value, the value is returned as a string. Example: true -> 'true' / false -> 'false'

If the result is a string, the string will be enclosed in double quotes and returned. Example: 'Returned string' -> '"Returned string"'.

If the result is null, undefined, array, object, function object, or unevaluable, the string 'null' is returned.

The 'null' is also returned if the run raises an exception.

Links for reference


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